Technovation Seminar 2019—— 年度最大的大湾区加拿大大学校友专属盛会
The Rise of Sino-Canadian Technical Power in the Greater Bay Area
Canada is the birthplace of modern artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Today, many Canadian and international students who have contributed firsthand to the successful Canadian high-tech story reunite in the Greater Bay Area, China, the hot land of start-ups, to continue their academic exploration or to commission their entrepreneurial journey. There are numerous good examples of this kind we love that vividly represent the rich product of Sino-Canada educational interaction. We want to invite them to join us in this event to tell us how their connection with Canada has helped shaped their business and, more importantly, to share their stories and insights they have learned throughout their journey.
The event also offers a chance to the alumni and the extended network over drinks and refreshments, while also getting a chance to generate new business opportunities.
我们希望通过Technovation 2019, 能让更多加拿大海归了解到科技领域的创业及投资机会。
University of Toronto,Mc Gill University, UBC, University of Waterloo, University of Alberta
SFU, University of Alberta,St.Mary University,University of Western Ontario,Queens University ...
Time & Date
14:00-17:30, Saturday, 16th November 2019
2019年11月16日,星期六, 2:00-5:00 pm
Dress Code: Business Casual
Organizer/主办方: ACU
Alumni of Canadian Universities (ACU) is a young and dynamic organization founded in 2017 by the official alumni reps
of University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia and University of Alberta .
In 2018 ACU is able to reach out to 1,300+ alumni by connecting more Canadian university alumni groups in Southern China.
ACU is aiming to provide an open-minded platform for Canadian university alumni to share, to connect and to create.
ACU(Alumni of Canadian Universities)是最初由加拿大多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学、英属哥伦比亚大学以及阿尔伯特大学在华南地区的官方认证校友代表于2017年发起的一个非营利组织。2018年通过不断发展,随着加拿大多家著名高校(包括滑铁卢大学、西蒙菲莎大学、皇后大学、圣玛丽大学等)的加入,ACU可覆盖的加拿大校友人数超1000人,已成为华南最大的加拿大大学校友联盟。ACU致力于通过组织各类活动为在中国生活的加拿大校友提供一个开放的沟通、合作平台。
Co-Organizer/协办方: CanCham PRD 加拿大商会(珠三角)
CanCham PRD is the formal platform for Canadian professionals and entrepreneurs to connect,
share resources and build a community of support in the Pearl River Delta region of South China.
Special Guests/特邀嘉宾
Rachel Bedlinton,Consul General of Canada In Guangzhou
Tom Cumming, Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner,Consulate General of Canada
Genevieve Rolland - Director of Quebec Office in China
Jerry Lin, Associate Director of ChinaEquity Group
Ben Goertzel - Founder of Singularity Net
Hao Jin, Chairman of CEC i-Valley (中电智谷董事长)
Ting Ma,Peng Cheng Laboratory 鹏城实验室人工智能研究中心智慧医疗课题负责人
Xinran Liu, Secretary of Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce(深圳商业联合会秘书长)
Michael Yang,Founder and Chairman, Shenzhen Overseas Returnees Association(深圳市海归协会会长)
Jianguo Yao, Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, P.H.D (Mc Gill University)
Alvin Chung,Head, Alumni Relations and Advancement,McGill University | Asia Office
Mei Mei Yiu,Director Alumni Relations and Development,The University of British Columbia | Asia Pacific Regional Office
Prudence Ng, Events and Stewardship Officier, University of Toronto | Asia-Pacific Advancement Office
Joanna Chan, Head,Alumni Relations and Advancement, University of Alberta | Asia office
and more ....
14:00-14:40: Sign in & Network & Grab drinks &Enterprises Expo 签到,享受下午茶、社交,企业展
14:50-15:00: Introduce ACU/PRD 主办方介绍
15:00-15:05: Opening speech 开幕致辞
15:05-15:25: Keynote speakers speech 主邀嘉宾演讲
15:25-15:55: Roadshow 项目路演
15:55-16:10: Intermission 中场休息
16:10-16:30: Panel discussion 圆桌论坛
16:30-17:00: Networking & Exchange experience/ideas/resources 自由交流时间
CEC i-Valley Futian
3rd floor,111 Zhenhua Road, Shenzhen
CEC i-Valley is the demonstration area of
international intelligent hardware innovation and entrepreneurship
created by CEC (China Electronics Corporation) in Shenzhen.
It is based on the current emerging technology industry
with the extension to the application of intelligent hardware,
intelligent industry and intelligent innovation.
For more inquiry, please contact:
Erin Yu:13923752776, Or Wechat ID:13923752776
Frank Jin:13510511024
Technovation Business Seminar: Canadian Universities Alumni Starting Business in China